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Concentrate for beverages Iodine selenum "- is a new generation product, the feature is concentrated in the fact that it is made on the basis of clean drinking water it has no taste, color, odor, and it is resistant to heat treatment and freezing it. Complies with GOST 28188-89, SanPin - correction of the quality of drinking water packaged in containers.
Application of concentrate "Iodine selenum" can not be opposed to other therapeutic measures, iodine and selenium contribute to the absorption of drugs and reduce side effects of some drugs, a good complement of physio-therapeutic treatments.

It is recommended for the enrichment of iodine and selenium in water and drink, 1x, 2x and 3x meals. Total 20-25 drops of concentrate per day, reduced the overall rate of iodine and selenium in the body and replaced with 1-2 tablets, honey. drugs. Flow rate is1 pack 40 ml. For 30 - 40 days for an adult.

Regular use restores: - mental activity - the memory and attention - the thyroid gland - cell metabolism - hormones - the immune system - will stabilize the cell membrane - slowing the aging process cells

Experience shows that concentrate "Iodine selenum" has no side effects, but his reception should follow the recommendations. Concentrate "Iodine selenum" is not a drug.

For the prevention of lung cancer, breast, prostate, colon and rectum. In order to prevent premature aging of skin cells. Concentrate "Iodine selenum" can reduce the incidence of cancer by almost 40% and reduce cancer mortality by 50%. Thanks to a direct effect on the synthesis of glutathione peroxidase, selenium prevents the risk of mutations in cells. Take 20-25 drops per day continuously.

Pregnancy - birth - a baby. Along with iodine, selenium is essential to prevent the birth of children with underdeveloped spine and signs of cretinism. Changes caused by iodine deficiency and selenium in utero and in infancy, are irreversible and virtually impossible to treat and rehabilitate. Pregnant and lactating women - 25-30 drops per day. Children - in accordance with the recommended WHO standards (see abstract).

Cardiology Selenodefitsitnaya kardiomeopatiya (Keshanskaya disease). Coronary heart disease. Rehabilitation of patients after myocardial infarction. Selenium facilitates the exchange of fat and cholesterol, reducing the probability of occurrence or progression of coronary heart disease. Selenium is involved in the synthesis of coenzymes that affect the recovery of heart muscle after myocardial infarction, acts directly on the hearth of necrosis by inhibiting the process of damage miokardiotsitov. It is used in conjunction with traditional methods of treatment (according to the rules vozrostnyh annotations).

Diseases of the musculoskeletal Osteochondrosis. Arthrosis and arthritis. Osteodystrophy. Fractures. Ankylosing spondylitis. Selenium is involved in the formation of enzymes synovial cartilage spine and joints. Receiving concentrate "Iodine selenum" good combined with thermal treatments, baths, mud treatments, electrophoresis. In 60% of cases, the pain ceased almost entirely through the W-4 months, 3 months 20-25 drops per day + packs 20 drops per tablespoon (10 ml.) of water.

Nephrology - Gastroenterology urolithiasis, pyelonephritis. Alcoholic hepatitis and cirrhosis. Fatty liver. Rehabilitation of patients after viral hepatitis. Improved mineral metabolism, the stones are transformed into the sand and washed out of the kidneys. To date, selenium - the most effective food mineral supplement with liver cirrhosis, but the recovery should be slow (within 1 year, then the prophylactic administration).

Thyroid disease the presence of iodine the thyroid gland produces hormones T3 and T4. The availability of selenium dependent enzyme that activates the main thyroid hormone T4, and in its absence, the effect of substitution therapy may be incomplete. Use according to age norms are constantly (see abstract)

Diabetes - always 20-25 drops of concentrate per day. Intake of iodine and selenium in diabetes is very effective: the blood sugar level drops to 30% on average, which reduces the dose of antidiabetic drugs.

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